Every parent knows that lifelong oral health begins with early childhood instruction and routine visits to a pediatric dentist. But every parent also knows that no child likes going to the dentist. But what if there was a way we could make our children less afraid of these necessary visits, or perhaps even view them as fun? In fact, there are some simple things parents can do to promote a more positive experience and shape your child’s association with dental health and dentists for the better.
Often, children are afraid of letting their parents down. Chances are, if you’ve been doing everything properly, your child will have an excellent bill of health. Regardless, create a “dental report card,” so that you and the dentist can report back to them, on the spot, about what a great job they’re doing. Positive reinforcement, and the approval of you and the dentist, will go a long way.
Encourage your child to have an active role that they can have a little fun with. Let them dress as their favorite superhero, for example, to embolden them with a bit of courage. This doesn’t have to be an expense—just recycle their Halloween costume.
You’ve probably never heard of Dudley, but he’s the official mascot of the American Dental Association. There are tons of online resources featuring Dudley put out by the American Dental Association. Having Dudley be the ambassador to your dentist will help put a familiar, funny, face to the dentist beforehand.
Don’t forget more positive reinforcement afterward. A reward for great oral habits and behaving well is a great idea. Of course, it doesn’t have to involve money. A simple trip to the playground or doing some special activity together afterward will light up your child.
In a perfect world, all pediatric dentists would have the compassion and love for what they do ingrained in their behavior. They would be intuitive with children, and put the child’s emotions and needs first. Unfortunately, we don’t live in that world, and it will be up to the parent to find the right dentist.
Look for not only an experienced dentist, but one with a range of services and comprehensive care aimed at children. Kids First Dental is committed to these principles. Children are our top priority, and we never forget to apply our 10 years of experience to the unique relationship children have with dentistry.
Our loyalty program makes starting your child off right easy. We provide the Loyalty Program to include preventative services for patients who do not have insurance. The reduced fees cost $150, a savings of $75 savings, per patient. The service includes an exam, cleaning, fluoride varnish for children and 2 bitewings (cavity detecting x-rays).
What you do now matters for a lifetime, so choose the best for children—Kids First Dental!