How Often Should You Go for Dental Checkup?

May 01, 2022

Going to the dentist is important, but how often should you go? Well, the general rule of thumb is to visit a pediatric dental office near you every six months and make sure that your child’s teeth are in great shape. However, the frequency of dental visits will depend on the oral health condition.

According to dental specialists, children who have no dental problems should visit the dentist only once per year. If they have any issues, it is recommended to visit a dentist every 3-4 months. It is important to consult a pediatric dentist near you on how often you need to visit the dentist for an assessment.

What is the Difference Between a Dental Treatment and Dental Examination?

A dental examination is a checkup of the teeth and gums to detect any problems that may need treatment.

Dental treatment is a procedure performed on the teeth and gums to fix or prevent problems. Dental treatments include fillings, tooth extraction, root canal therapy, and gum surgery. Dental treatments are done on a need basis, but dental checkups happen regularly. Getting a regular dental checkup can help you avoid tooth ailments.

Why Do You Need a Regular Oral Checkup in Columbia, SC?

Regular oral checkups are not just a screening process for dental problems. They are also an opportunity to educate patients about their oral health and the importance of preventative care. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommend that you visit a dentist regularly because of several reasons that include:

  • Detects decay

Dental decay is a progressive disease that starts with tooth enamel becoming less resistant to acid. The bacteria produce acids that erode the enamel and dentin of teeth. The process continues until the nerve of the tooth dies, and the tooth becomes infected. It can also develop when there is too much sugar in your mouth for too long, which leads to bacteria creating acid that causes damage to your teeth and gums.

During your checkup, Dr. Harold Jablon will examine your teeth and gums and look for any signs of decay. He will also give you tips on avoiding decay in the future. He will also tell you about any habits or behaviors that might be causing problems, such as drinking too much sugary soda or not brushing your teeth twice a day.

  • Can detect early signs of oral cancer 

Oral cancer screening is the procedure of checking for early signs of oral cancer by applying a bright light and magnification on a patient’s teeth. Oral cancer screening is important to identify signs of oral cancer as early as possible to give more treatment options and prevent this condition from advancing to other parts of the body.

  • Prevents gum disease

Regular dental checkups can help you detect gum disease promptly and prevent it from worsening. A dentist will check if you have receding gums, pockets, or other gum disease symptoms like swelling. Gum disease is reversible with deep cleaning and medications if caught early. However, if it spreads to the surrounding tissues, it can cause damage to the supporting bone and lead to loss of teeth.

  • Keeps bad habits at bay 

Bad dental habits can affect your oral health in several ways. Your teeth and gums can become more prone to tooth decay and gum disease. Some of the most common ones are; not flossing or brushing regularly, consuming too much sugar, smoking cigarettes, or using tobacco products. The dentist will advise you on the best oral health practices to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

What Happens During Your Regular Oral Checkup?

The dentist will start with a visual examination of the patient’s mouth, looking for signs of decay or other issues. He will then take x-rays to get a better idea of what is going on inside your mouth and examine your gums with a probe to see any inflammation or infection. An oral cancer screening and professional cleaning are also done during your regular dental assessment.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Kids First Dental for more information about dental checkups and cleaning and what you can expect.

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