Is Fluoride Treatment Needed by Kids?

Oct 05, 2022

As a mineral, fluoride occurs naturally and is found in many foods and community water supplies besides the Earth’s crust. Fluoride is essential to prevent tooth decay and is specifically crucial for protecting young children from developing cavities when their enamel is weak.

The CDC and ADA recommended the addition of fluoride in drinking water because research provides evidence that people drinking fluoridated water have fewer cavities than people that don’t. In addition, the evidence confirms that fluoride is essential for everyone’s teeth to strengthen enamel and prevent the development of cavities or even treat early tooth decay.

For over seven decades, American tap water has contained traces of fluoride to reduce cavities. Research provides evidence that incidences of tooth decay have declined by 25 percent by drinking fluoridated water. However, in-office fluoride treatments from the kid’s dentist in Colombia deliver even more significant benefits to children’s teeth by protecting them. Children at risk of tooth decay can benefit from fluoride treatments in dentist’s offices.

At What Age Do Fluoride Treatments Start?

The pediatric dental office in Colombia considers fluoride treatment a preventive therapy to protect teeth from decay. Fluoride is a fundamental mineral that helps build more robust teeth. Fluoride strengthens the outermost layer covering the tooth to stop the growth of harmful microorganisms that attack the teeth and gums. In addition, fluoride reacts with hydroxyapatite crystals of the tooth enamel to perform fluoro hydroxyapatite crystals, making them more resilient to attacks by bacteria, and making children’s teeth stronger and healthier.

Fluoride treatments are a preventive measure for children offering them protection against cavities. Fluoride treatments for children are recommended between six and seven when the adult teeth emerge. Beyond six and seven, children have mixed milk and adult teeth dentition. Therefore children should receive fluoride treatments soon after the emergence of adult teeth.

The kid’s dentist near you might recommend children’s fluoride treatments between six and 12. The therapy helps make children’s teeth stronger to prevent tooth decay but is not a remedy for existing decay. Dentists don’t recommend fluoride treatments to children already affected by tooth decay and dental cavities.

How Do Children Receive Fluoride Treatments?

Fluoride treatments from dentists are available in different forms, including solutions, gel, foam, and varnish. Gel and varnish are the most common forms of fluoride children receive from the kid’s dentist 29210. The dentist will initially clean your child’s teeth and apply absorbent material to the mouth after drying them. The porous material helps prevent saliva from affecting the treatment. After that, the dentist takes some fluoride gel or varnish in a colorful tray and keeps it in the child’s mouth for approximately four minutes. Finally, the dentist removes the tray asking your child to spit out any excess fluoride in their mouth.

Dr. Harold Jablon recommends not to rinse your child’s mouth for about 30 minutes to 1 hour after providing them with office fluoride treatments. Furthermore, the professional advises preventing children from drinking water for the first hour. Children should spit out any fluoride remaining in their mouth without swallowing it to avoid the risk of nausea and other complications. Children can eat and drink water after a couple of hours of receiving this painless treatment completed in approximately 30 minutes by the dentist. You must also schedule follow-up appointments with the dentist in a few weeks or months, depending on the type of fluoride application your child received.

Are Fluoride Treatments Expensive?

If you have dental insurance, fluoride treatments are likely covered by the provider for children. However, adults might have to pay $ 10-$ 30 or more for the treatment making it essential for them to inquire about the costs before receiving the therapy.

Benefits of Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride functions by restoring tooth surface minerals eroded by the bacteria and inhibits the growth of harmful microorganisms in the mouth to prevent cavities. Fluoride is not a therapy for decay. However, creating a more robust outer layer of the tooth helps prevent corrosion from penetrating the deeper parts to create significant damage. Fluoride benefits children and adults, and the sooner children receive fluoride, their chances of developing cavities diminish considerably. Children receiving fluoride treatments for a year are less likely to develop tooth decay and cavities than children who don’t receive these treatments.

Fluoride treatments are undoubtedly needed by kids at a higher risk of tooth decay because of the foods and beverages they prefer. In addition, fluoride prevents harmful mouth bacteria from populating the mouth, providing a preventive barrier on children’s teeth to avoid tooth decay.

Kids First Dental — Columbia recommends fluoride treatments for children provided in-office by them from age six until 12 and later. If your child hasn’t received fluoride treatments, kindly schedule an appointment with the practice today to give them a protective barrier over their teeth.

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