Why Your Child Need Fluoride Treatment?

Sep 01, 2022

What is Fluoride Treatment?

Fluoride treatment is a dental treatment that helps to prevent tooth decay. Fluoride is a natural mineral found in water, soil, and some foods and can strengthen the teeth by making it more difficult for bacteria to stick to them and cause tooth decay.

There are two types of fluoride: topical treatments and systemic treatments. Topical fluoride treatment includes toothpaste, mouthwashes, or gels you brush onto your teeth. Systemic fluoride treatment includes tablets or drops you swallow to get an even distribution of fluoride throughout your body.

The best way to know if your child needs fluoride treatment is to visit a kid’s dentist near you regularly for a checkup.

Who Needs Fluoride Treatment?

A fluoride treatment in Columbia, SC, is recommended for children because they risk developing cavities.

People with dry mouths may need extra fluoride in their mouths due to medication. Additionally, people with crowns and bridges are at greater risk of decay if they do not maintain good dental hygiene. Fluoride is generally considered safe in low doses but can be harmful if taken in high doses.

What are the Benefits of Fluoride Treatment?

  • Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay.

Tooth enamel naturally contains a mineral called fluoride. This mineral can be obtained from food and water. It helps protect the teeth’ outer surface from decay because it makes them harder and more resistant to acid attacks. Fluoride is a powerful mineral that can reverse tooth decay’s early stages. The fluoride in your mouth prevents the development of cavities and other problems associated with them. Fluoride is a valuable addition to children’s and adults’ oral health.

People who have fluoridated mouth rinses can benefit from fluoride in their mouths, but it is not a permanent solution. This allows the fluoride to do its job and repair microscopic carious sites.

  • Fluoride varnish is a common procedure.

Kid’s dentists in Columbia recommend dental fluoride treatments at least every three or six months, depending on your dental needs.

Varnish is often used on children because they are unlikely to swallow the solution. The varnish is usually applied by a small brush and hardens as it contacts saliva. After four to 12 hours, the child may feel the hardened varnish on their tongue. In addition to regular cleanings, a child’s dentist may recommend that they visit a kid’s dentist in 29210 every couple of months for fluoride varnish. Children at high risk for cavities may also need sealants to prevent cavities.

  • Fluoride is safe

The primary concern is that it can lead to dental enamel fluorosis in babies. While there is considerable debate about fluoride’s safety for children, it is generally agreed that the element helps build healthy and strong teeth. In addition, dental professionals do not recommend the same amount of fluoride for children as adults. Nevertheless, children need fluoride to maintain the strength of their teeth.

The benefits of fluoridated water are many. Fluoride helps fight tooth decay. Fluoridated water has proven to reduce dental decay by 25 percent.

  • Fluoride is effective

Fluoride varnish treatments were shown to reduce the prevalence of dental caries in both baby and permanent teeth. Fluoride treatments are especially beneficial for children who do not receive fluoride treatments regularly. These treatments can even reverse the early signs of tooth decay, such as white spot lesions. This is because fluoride helps to promote tooth remineralization.

How is Fluoride Treatment Done?

Fluoride treatment is done in two ways: adding it to the drinking water or applying it topically. The first method is called systemic, while the second one is called topical.

Systemic fluoride treatment can be done by adding a fluoride compound to the water supply or taking supplements. However, topical fluoride treatment is the most commonly recommended option at our pediatric dental office in Columbia.

The dentist will apply varnish on the teeth and leave it for a couple hours before rinsing. A gel, foam, or solution can also strengthen the teeth.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Kid’s First Dental for more information about fluoride treatment for kids and its effectiveness.

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